A Heartfulness Meditation Experience

A Heartfulness Meditation Experience


Our objective is to equip UCF students with a set of inner practices for personality development and self growth. We offer meditation and relaxation training to the entire UCF community with support from certified Heartfulness Trainers.

Heartfulness: Living by the Heart

By tuning into our hearts, we learn to be centered in our highest selves.

We can learn to strengthen that connection and cultivate an inner knowing that wisely directs and guides our lives. With practice, we can grow to face the challenges of life with courage and acceptance. If we live by the heart, we can become what we’re meant to be.

Explore and experience.

Feel the lightness and joy of your true nature. Heartfulness meditation is simply taking the time every day to tune into that internal presence.

In a short while, you’ll learn to remain connected to that gentle support throughout the day.

Heartfulness meditation can students to learn how to:
1. Relax for physical well-being
2. Deepen your meditation
3. Simplify thoughts
4. Unwind the mind
5. Let go of stress, rejuvenate
6. Observe your deepest feelings
7. Make wise life choices
8. Find inner strength
9. Develop confidence and balance
10. Nurture relationships
11. Find joy within

Contact Information

Contact Email E: ucfheartfulnessgmail.com