Wiki Knights is an organization that believes information can and should be available, free of charge. This organization aims to create open-source textbooks for the college community as well as to contribute to existing open source communities such as OpenStax, Wikipedia, and Pressbooks. Members and leaders have the same end goal, which is to provide information to all free of charge.
The organization consists of members devoted to different aspects of this goal, such as advocating for open educational resources (OER), promoting affordable textbooks at UCF, and ensuring students are provided with fair textbook options.
Official website: https://wikiknights.com/
Social media:
- Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/7z2zR3e
- Instagram (@wikiknights): https://www.instagram.com/wikiknights
- Reddit (@WikiKnights): https://www.reddit.com/user/WikiKnights
- Twitch (@wikiknights_ucf): https://www.twitch.tv/wikiknights_ucf
- Twitter (@wikiknights_ucf): https://twitter.com/wikiknights_ucf
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wikiknights